Prostate cancer
PROSCA cases on the road to Vienna

Case 2023: Manuel (expert opinion by A. Bossi)

Manuel, 59 years old, is an enthusiastic tour guide at the Jardín Botánico-Historico La Concepción de Málaga. He is able to name and differentiate each and every tropical plant in the botanical garden. He was recently diagnosed with metastatic PCa.

Assessment summary:

  • Medical history: former smoker (stopped 5 years ago)
  • ECOG PS: 0
  • Asymptomatic
  • PSA: 14 ng/ml
  • Prostate biopsy: ISUP grade group 4 (Gleason score 4+4)
  • Bone scan: 2 spots (T11 & right sacrum)
  • CT scan: locally advanced prostatic mass, few enlarged pelvic lymph nodes >2 cm, no visceral metastasis
  • Clinical stage: cT3N1M1

Which option would you choose for Manuel (not taking into account regulatory approval and local restrictions)?